Jan 31, 2020
Trained as an engineer and architect, she is the president of Pratt Institute and offers this precept: “If I didn’t do something really bad or evil, then it was a good design.” Practice and pedagogy at the Center for Architecture. Music: Cleek Schrey.
Jan 25, 2020
Despite a distinguished career in health policy, he calls hurling “one of the greatest loves of my life.” It is Ireland’s national sport, a game of speed, skill, and impressive injuries. Or maybe because of that career: “You’ve got to be in great shape to play this,” he tells the Irish Arts Center. Music:...
Jan 18, 2020
Some novelists begin with a character, some with a plot; Jennifer Egan – A Visit From the Goon Squad, Manhattan Beach - often starts with a sense of place: “That seems to come before there are people.” A conversation at the Center for Fiction cosponsored by the Municipal Art Society. Music: Lily Henley and Duncan...
Jan 11, 2020
She practices rehabilitative medicine, as a clinician and a researcher, helping patients recover from strokes and spinal cord injuries. Why yes, she has taken a patient sky-diving. (Medicare wouldn’t cover it.) A conversation at KGB’s Red Room. Produced with Lori Schwarz. Music: Guy Ruby.
Jan 4, 2020
His 60 years as an architect (the Rose Center at the Museum of Natural History, the Clinton presidential library) and dean of Columbia’s graduate school of architecture brought him to this modest conclusion: “It’s not a high art; it is really a craft.” A conversation at the Center for Architecture. Music:...