Jun 30, 2019
Holland’s 17th century emphasis on trade rather than conquest helped build a culture of tolerance: everybody’s money is good. The author of The Island at the Center of the World offers a sort of moral defense of capitalism in a conversation at the Fraunces Tavern Museum: look out the window and see what...
Jun 22, 2019
Like many funny writers, this essayist and novelist grew up around someone with a highly cultivated sense of humor, in this case her grandmother Nettie. “She was extremely funny. She was sarcastic in a very loving way, which I think is a hard note to hit.” The challenge of being simultaneously funny and sweet....
Jun 16, 2019
The co-founder and CEO of Ecovative Designs, he trained as a mechanical engineer but now devises products made from mushrooms. Mushrooms! “If the last century was about electronics,” he says, “ the next century is going to be about biology.” How inventors invent. Plus music from Bendt. How musicians musish.
Jun 9, 2019
Is scientific thought regional? Do people in Iceland devise different ideas from people in India? No, says geophysicist Einat Lev: science is science around the world. Yet she’s visited 40 countries, most with no volcano. Paradox or pleasure? A conversation at KGB’s Red Room, produced with Lori Schwarz and 500 Women...
Jun 2, 2019
A fine actor and an honorable person, she has a fondness for that racist claptrap Gone With the Wind. “That’s the dichotomy in my heart and soul,” she tells the English Speaking Union. She’s not alone. It is the second most beloved book in America, behind only the Bible. When good people love bad books. Music...