May 26, 2019
If you are defamed online, Google’s CEO will swiftly clean up the mess and come to your house with a comforting puppy. In Randyland. Here on earth, Ervine’s experience was different and led him to devise ways to fight cyberbullying. Plus music from James Shipp and Nadje Noordhuis.
May 18, 2019
She burst onto the scene with The Gnostic Gospels – and aren’t you glad there’s a scene onto which a historian of religion can burst? A rare scholar who can speak lucidly to civilians like me, her most recent book is Why Religion. Music from Stephanie Coleman.
May 12, 2019
In the nineteen sixties, he had a string of hits with the Shondells– Hanky Panky, Crimson and Clover, I Think We’re Alone Now - 23 gold singles, 9 platinum albums, 100 million records sold. Yet his record company simply declined to pay his royalties: $40 million. Tales of music and the mob.
May 5, 2019
The Senate and the Supreme Court thwart meaningful action on gun violence, but the chair of the epidemiology department at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health asserts that his field offers a way forward. Ignorant despair (mine) versus sophisticated hopefulness (his). Music from Lily Henley and Duncan Wickel.