Jun 24, 2016
HBO's Vinyl is gone, but it's splendid soundtrack remains. "'I always seek out experts,' said Randall Poster, one of the show's music supervisors, who enlisted the Sonic Youth guitarist Lee Ranaldo to help him build up the punk bona fides on Vinyl. Mr. Ranaldo brought on his own frequent collaborators, including...
Jun 17, 2016
It rankles when non-Asian actors are cast as Asians, yet you need not be Scottish to play Macbeth. How to reconcile these two ideas? David Henry Hwang takes up the question with wit, warmth and insight. Perhaps best known for his play M Butterfly, he co-wrote the musical Aida and is a staff writer on the TV series The...
Jun 4, 2016
If we decline to buy an iPhone or a pair of sneakers made under miserable working conditions, how should we respond when a band leader brutalizes his musicians? Artist Fred Tomaselli and writer Rick Moody took up that question, praised the bleak arid landscapes of the Southwest and had hard words for gulls when we...