Dec 31, 2016
At 22, she designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial; she's since created the stirring Wavefield at Storm King and is currently working on the Smith College library. So, artist or architect? "There are architects that make art, and then I think there are artists who make architecture," she says, "and I would sort of...
Dec 24, 2016
Madonna wasn't drawn to New York City by tax breaks but by its cultural life, creative community, good transportation, and great bars. But if she arrived today, could she afford a place to live? Alicia Glen, deputy mayor for housing and economic development, sees the pop star as a business model, revealing the...
Dec 17, 2016
Life is constructed from the stories we tell, suggests this splendid musician, film-maker (and more). "What else is there but stories?" she asks. "Well," I reply geriatrically, "there's the truth." Or is there? She has a more nuanced view (or perhaps just a darker one). A conversation about myth-making, with side trips...
Dec 10, 2016
Do happy artists produce better work than unhappy artists? Renee Cox contemplates her own work and says yes. I say: Beethoven. We considered the matter at the international Print Center in conjunction with their show Black Pulp. The featured musical performer was Norris Bennett of the Ebony Hillbillies, whose work made...
Dec 3, 2016
Art often fails. Writers discard first drafts (and second and third and fourth). Painters trash early sketches. And even when completed work does come into the world, some is transcendent, but much is hopelessly earthbound. Or so I believe. But Heidi and Stew, creators of the musical Passing Strange, disagree. "I don't...