Sep 30, 2014
No matter how accomplished he was in neurology - and he was - Sir Roger Bannister will be remembered as the first man to run a 4-minute mile.
Sep 24, 2014
He is the author of 9 books including Wake Up, Sir and The Extra Man, and is the creator of the HBO series Bored to Death. We spoke on stage at the Brooklyn Historical Society, joined by the delightful musician Walter Hawkes. Crowded? Cozy!
Sep 17, 2014
I first encountered her in 1988 when my then-wife was utterly captivated by The Greenlanders. We'd both just read Roland Huntford's Scott and Amundson and were susceptible to things Arctic and Antarctic. My favorite Smiley is A Thousand Acres, but I'm proud to live in a country where I needn't choose between them.
Sep 10, 2014
After serving 3 terms as mayor of New York, from 1978 to 1989, Ed Koch practiced law, lectured, taught, wrote on many subjects, and hosted a radio show. Both in and out of office, New York was his home, not someplace he passed through in an SUV surrounded by a phalanx of body guards. Over the years, I'd run into him at...
Sep 3, 2014
According to Bon Appetit, Andrew Tarlow invented Brooklyn, and you don't want to argue with Bon Appetit: some enemies you do not need. It's true that with the restaurants Diner, Marlow and Sons, and Roman's, among his many enterprises, he is a titan of Brooklyn food. Yet what drew me to him was not the cuisine -...