Apr 29, 2018
Admired for his portrayal of FBI agent Stan Beeman on The Americans, Noah Emmerich didn’t intend to be an actor. He was a history major, studying the Constitution and headed for law school when something happened. A cheap tease, but a great story. Music from the Gregorio Uribe Trio, a great band.
Apr 22, 2018
In her 22 years as a federal judge, she became best known to civilians like me for striking down New York City’s stop-and-frisk policy. And now she can be known for this: she was gym-mates with Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Great legal minds on the treadmill. Not a figure of speech.
Apr 15, 2018
A veteran of 60 years in the theater, he makes a counterintuitive – and sadly convincing – point: colorblind casting can mean more parts for white actors. On the one hand, every role should be open to every actor: you needn’t be a Dane to play Hamlet. On the other, an all-white Raisin in the Sun; that can’t...
Apr 8, 2018
The going price of a vote in the thirties? $5. How did they know you voted their way? By sandpapering the voting-both curtain so they could see through it. Forget it, Jake, it’s Albany. Tales of political corruption from the author of Ironweed and more.
Apr 1, 2018
We all deceive ourselves, says the author of Call Me By Your Name, who provides a hierarchy of self-deception. “The most glaring one, the most painful one, is to imagine yourself being loved by some people who absolutely hate you.” How many really love you? Maybe 50%. “That’s a good number.” Hard truths and...