Aug 28, 2013
Simon Doonan is the creative ambassador for Barneys and a columnist for Slate. First known as a potter, Jonathan Adler now has 20 stores worldwide offering beautiful things. His guideline: “If your heirs won’t fight over it, we won’t make it.” They are the first married couple to do the...
Aug 22, 2013
Dr. Thomas Frieden is the Director of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. A specialist in
infections diseases, he has also served as
health commissioner of New York City.
Aug 15, 2013
Born in Brooklyn, Roz Chast is best known for her cartoons for The New Yorker, many other magazines, and more than a dozen books. We note with pleasure how much she sounds like a Roz Chast cartoon: smart, funny, just a bit fretful, and thoroughly appealing. Maybe that’s because her cartoons have taught us to...
Aug 8, 2013
9 marks the one-year anniversary of our friend David
Rakoff’s death. We commemorate his life with a special two-part
episode. Part 1 [insert link:
Aug 1, 2013