Jun 26, 2013
A professor of psychology at Harvard, Steven Pinker is an experimental psychologist and a writer on language, mind, and human nature. His most recent book is The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, a title that all but begs some wiseguy interviewer to take a swing at him. He famously defended...
Jun 19, 2013
Cartoonist Al Jaffee is the creator of the Mad Magazine fold-in. At age 92, he is the magazine’s longest-running contributor, partly explained by his remark, "Serious people my age are dead." Born in Savannah, Georgia, he is the third southern Jew to do this program
Jun 12, 2013
Historian Eric Foner is particularly admired for his writing on reconstruction. His most recent book, The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery, won pretty much every prize going including the Pulitzer and – can this be right? – Cy Young Award. Probably a typo. He is our only guest to have written for...
Jun 5, 2013
Rachel Dratch isn't just from Massachusetts, she is the voice of Masachusetts, at least for fans of Saturday Night Live from 1999-2006. We spoke at 92Y's Tribeca outpost joined by Matt Dallow on accordion.