May 29, 2013
Ma Nishtana is the pen name of Shais Rison, a 30-year-old,
fifth-generation, African-American, Orthodox Jew. A writer and
film-maker, he is prominent among Jews of Color. Asked if he
identifies more as an African-American or a Jew, he once said:
“When I walk down the street, nobody says, 'Hey, look at that
May 22, 2013
She’s smart, she’s funny, she’s called a standup comic,
but is she? She doesn’t tell jokes, she tells stories. And she
doesn’t so much tell them as perform them, as a gifted actor might.
Randy and Maria met by email when he wrote the Ethicist column for
the Times, and she wanted to discuss the ethical...
May 15, 2013
A history professor at the CUNY graduate center, David Nasaw knows his two-fisted titans of 20th C. America. He’s written much praised biographies of William Randolph Hearst, Andrew Carnegie and, most recently, Joseph P. Kennedy. By the way: not a bootlegger. Kennedy. Well, Nasaw isn’t either. As far as we know. ...
May 8, 2013
Jody Williams calls herself an average woman, but the Nobel Committee saw it differently when they awarded her the 1997 Peace Prize for her work toward the clearing and banning of land mines. This extraordinary ordinary woman more convincingly asserts that change is achieved by grassroots activism, from the ground up...
May 1, 2013
Jack Hitt began in journalism as editor of the Paper Clip, his
Charleston, SC, grade-school literary magazine. He has since risen
or, depending on your perspective, fallen to writing for Harpers
and the NY Times and presenting great pieces on This American Life